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Verena Krupp: Efficient coupling of fluid and acoustic interaction on massively parallel systems (STS, Vol. 5, Diss., 2021)

This work presents an efficient coupling strategy to tackle the multi-scale problem posed by technical devices that radiate sound.

Two different approaches, a fl exible multi-solver approach (with the coupling library preCICE) and an optimized integrated approach (called APESmate), are established and compared in terms of quality, load balancing, and performance. Load balancing is a crucial aspect regarding simulations in the fi eld of high performance computing where many processes are used in parallel and, in particular, when considering coupled simulation where different partitions are solving different physical phenomena and numerical discretization. The benefi ts of the partitioned coupling approach and good load balancing are demonstrated on an industrial application of a 3D free-stream jet with a high Reynolds number showing that a multi-scale problem can be effi ciently simulated using today‘s computing resources.

Verena Krupp
Efficient coupling of fluid and acoustic interaction on massively parallel systems
Simulation Techniques in Siegen / STS, 2021, Vol. 5
Harald Klimach (Ed.)
Siegen: universi 2021
ISBN 978-3-96182-104-4
Preis: 19,- Euro 

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