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Kannan Masilamani: Framework for Coupled Simulation of Electrodialysis Processes (STS, Vol. 4, 2020, Diss.)

This thesis presents the development of a scalable coupled simulation framework to simulate the interactions of different physical phenomena. It employs rigorous models and develops a numerical strategy for coupled simulations implemented in the APESmate tool.

This coupling strategy maintains good scalability on large, distributed computing systems and ensures accurate interpolation between meshes. APESmate enables multiphysics simulations with any physics supported by solvers in the APES framework. One specifi c multiphysics application this thesis discusses is the electrodialysis process. Here, ions in a multicomponent fl ow are driven apart by an electric fi eld. To this end, the presented work implements a Maxwell-Stefan model in the Lattice-Boltzmann solver Musubi and investigates different geometrical designs for electrodialysis.

Kannan Masilamani
Framework for Coupled Simulation of Electrodialysis Processes
Simulation Techniques in Siegen / STS, 2021, Vol. 4
Sabine Roller / Harald Klimach (Ed.)
Siegen: universi 2020
ISBN 978-3-96182-077-1
Preis: 19,- Euro

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